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Necklaces made in a collaboration between Pernille Linde and AMANDA JOHANNE LINDE 

From HÅNDVÆRK bookazine no. 5. about AMANDA JOHANNE LINDE with her family – STUDIO YOLK

AMANDA JOHANNE LINDE is an MA in Womenswear from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Design.
Since her graduation in 2019 she has made a name for herself, both locally and internationally, with handmade bioresin bangles in a wide range of colours and colour combinations.

Her jewellery design has associations to her family background, as Amanda’s mother, Pernille, who is also a trained designer, has collected Bakelite jewellery her entire adult life, and the clicks and clacks of bangles jangling against each other are part of the soundtrack from a safe and secure childhood and played a role in inspiring her company, Amanda explains. Just as the Bakelite jewellery, which has a long history and the future ahead if it, Amanda hopes that her bangles will be regarded as more than a fleeting fad.

Amanda works side by side with her parents in Charlottenlund north of Copenhagen and sells her jewellery from her own web shop and from a wide range of shops around the world.

In 2020, the family founded STUDIO YOLK, which in addition to Amanda, Pernille and Amada’s father, Morten, also includes her brother Carl Otto, who lives in Amsterdam where he studies at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Fine Arts. All STUDIO YOLK products are unique, and several of them involve bioresin.

The playful forms and colours characterizing the products from the family firm are a far cry from Scandinavian minimalism. All STUDIO YOLK products are handmade, either in their own studio or in collaboration with selected craft companies. All the products carry a story that is just as important as the product itself, as Morten Linde, who has a long design career, points out.

Bioresin is based on biological starch, in contrast to traditional synthetic resin, which is based on epoxy.

i HÅNDVÆRK bookazine no. 5.
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AMANDA JOHANNE LINDE er MA i Womenswear fra KADK (Kunstakademiets Designskole).

Hun afsluttede sin uddannelse i 2019 og har siden i eget navn indtaget scenen både lokalt og internationalt med håndlavede resin-armbånd i mangfoldige farver og farvekombinationer.

Smykkerne er knyttet til familien, derved at Amandas mor Pernille, som også er uddannet designer, hele sit voksenliv har samlet bakelitsmykker, og den klakkende lyd af armringe, som støder mod hinanden, er lyden af tryg barndom og har været en del af inspirationsgrundlaget for virksomheden, fortæller Amanda. Ligesom bakelitsmykkerne har et langt liv bag sig og fremtiden foran sig, ønsker Amanda, at hendes armringe vil blive betragtet som mere end en flygtig modeflirt.

Amanda arbejder side om side med sine forældre i Charlottenlund nord for København og sælger dels fra egen hjemmeside, dels fra en lang række internationale butikker.

Familien etablerede i 2020 STUDIO YOLK, som foruden Amanda, Pernille og far Morten også indbefatter bror Carl Otto, som bor i Amsterdam og studerer på Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Fine Arts. Alle STUDIO YOLK-produkter er one-offs, og flere involverer bioresin.

Familievirksomhedens form- og farvesprog er legende og hinsides skandinavisk minimalisme. Alle STUDIO YOLK-produkter er håndlavede, enten på eget studio eller i samarbejde med udvalgte håndværksvirksomheder. Til alle produkter er der knyttet en fortælling, som Morten Linde, som har en lang historik i designbranchen, pointerer, er lige så vigtig for dem som selve produktet.

Bioresin (harpiks) er baseret på biologisk stivelse i modsætning til den traditionelle resin, som er baseret på epoxy.

Bioresin har samme styrke, men hærder til trods for den tilsatte hærder (ikke nedbrydelig) langsommere og er derfor mere omstændelig at arbejde med.

Curtains Kjellerup Væveri - Necklaces made in a collaboration between Pernille Linde and AMANDA JOHANNE LINDE in residual materials from Amanda’s bangle production under the STUDIO YOLK brand and a small table, also from STUDIO YOLK, designed by Morten Linde with colour design by Pernille Linde.

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