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Deeply professional, surprising, authentic, personal, dedicated and refreshingly unconventional. Those were the first words that came to mind when, in August 2019,
I visited textile artist Anne Fabricius Møller’s new exhibition venue, the basement gallery ‘Udstillingssted for Tekstil’ (Exhibition Venue for Textile) in the former
‘Butik for Borddækning’ (Shop for Table Setting) in Møntergade in Copenhagen.

A graduate from the textile line at the School of Decorative Art in Copenhagen in 1986, Anne is a textile printer and designer. Her practice has included designs for the Danish textile manufacturer Kvadrat, decorative projects and printed utilitarian textiles. She also continually creates one-off pieces. She has received numerous prizes and awards, and the Danish Arts Foundation has supported her new venue with a (modest) amount.

I will give the gallery three years of my life,’ Anne said when we met, as she was putting the final touches on the exhibition Udstillingssted for Thorvaldsens Museum (Exhibition Venue for Thorvaldsen’s Museum). ‘Then I will need to focus full-time on my own practice again. I have many ideas to realize.

It is a beautiful and highly personal exhibition. It springs from Anne’s own love of Thorvaldsen’s, a museum she has worked closely with for many years. Initially together with her late husband, artist Robert Risager, subsequently in her own capacity. 

The gallery exhibition thus includes colour sheets that she and Robert made for Thorvaldsen’s years ago. It also features knitted samples, textile prints and other objects with reference to Thorvaldsen’s Museum. The exhibition vase that I photographed is a ceramic jug by Metha Stuart Wallace. It, too, has clear Thorvaldsen references, not surprisingly, since Metha works at the museum.

The principal pieces of the exhibition are two of the five large paper cord rugs that weaver Puk Lippmann exhibited at Thorvaldsen’s Museum in 1995 under the title Dialogue with Bindesbøll, inspired by the vivid patterns of the museum’s mosaic floors. The rugs have spent a long time in storage. Now, they are freshly washed and ready for show, although you have to edge your way around them, as they are almost larger than the gallery space.

It’s nice to see that even small rooms can have lofty ambitions, and as Anne puts it, you can also see the exhibition from outside by bending down and looking in through the basement windows. The exhibition has even spread into the charming back room, which is also partially visible from outside. I love it all!


Bonus info:

Puk Lippmann is a student of the renowned late Vibeke Klint, whose work is currently receiving renewed attention, as the design company Nordic Modern is launching rugs in Vibeke Klint’s design this fall, with permission from and in cooperation with Vibeke’s three children.

Fagligt nørdet, finurlig, autentisk, personligt, dedikeret og befriende fri for konvention. Det var de ord som først faldt mig ind, da jeg i august 2019 besøgte tekstilkunstner Anne Fabricius Møllers nye udstillingssted kældergalleriet ”Udstillingssted for Tekstil”. Den tidligere ”Butik for Borddækning” i Møntergade i København.

Anne er uddannet fra Skolen for Brugskunst tekstillinjen i 1986 og arbejder selv som stoftrykker og tekstildesigner. Hun har blandt andet tegnet for Kvadrat, udført udsmykninger, trykt brugstekstiler ligesom hun løbende laver unika. Hun har modtaget en lang række priser og udmærkelser. Statens Kunstfond har støttet hendes nye sted.

”Jeg har givet galleriet 3 år af mit liv,” siger Anne, sagde hun da vi sås, mens hun lagde sidste hånd på udstillingen ”Udstillingssted for Thorvaldsens Museum”. ”Derefter må jeg igen have fuldt fokus på mine egne ting. Jeg har mange ideer, som skal realiseres”

Det er en fin udstilling og en meget personlig udstilling. Den tager afsæt i Annes store kærlighed til Thorvaldsen, et museum hun i mange år har været arbejdsmæssigt tæt knyttet til. Først sammen med hendes afdøde mand billedkunstneren Robert Risager og siden hen i eget regi.

På udstillingen i galleriet indgår således også farveplancher, som hun og Robert for år tilbage fremstillede til Thorvaldsen. Der er strikprøver, stoftryk og meget andet med reference til Thorvaldsens Museum. Udstillingsvasen, som jeg har fotograferet, er en keramikkande fra Metha Stuart Wallace. Også den har tydelige Thorvaldsen referencer. Ikke helt overraskende for Metha arbejder på Museet.

Udstillingens slagnummer er to af fem store papirgarnstæpper, som væveren Puk Lippmann udstillede i 1995 på Thorvaldsens Museum under titlen ”Dialog med Bindesbøll.” Tæpperne er udsnit af det stærkt mønstrede mosaikgulv. Tæpperne har længe været på depot. Nu er de nyvaskede og lige til at gå om bord på eller rettere til at kante sig rundt om, for de overstiger næsten rummets størrelse.

Dejligt at der er højt til loftet i selv små stuer, og som Anne siger, man kan jo se udstillingen udefra ved at bukke sig ned til kældervinduerne. I øvrigt fortsætter udstillingen ud i det pittoreske baglokale, og det kan man også i al fald delvist se ude fra. Jeg elsker det hele!


Bonus info

Puk Lippmann er elev af navnkundige, afdøde Vibeke Klint. Vibeke Klint hvis arbejder i denne tid får fornyet opmærksomhed, idet designvirksomheden Nordic Modern med tilladelse fra og i samarbejde med Vibekes tre børn kommende efterår lancerer gulvtæpper i Vibeke Klint design.

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