From bookazine no. 2, which has long been sold out, I have put all the articles from this issue online. You can find the full-text articles here #bookazine2
March 2020
The Bellevue Theatre was designed in 1936 by Arne Jacobsen (1902–71) – architect, designer and leading figure in the golden age of Danish architecture and design in the mid 20th century.
Arne Jacobsen is internationally known for his iconic furniture classics, including the Egg and the Swan, and important buildings, such as Danmarks Nationalbank, Århus City Hall and SAS Royal Hotel.
The Bellevue Theatre is located on Strandvejen in Klampenborg. The theatre overlooks Øresund, the strait between Denmark and Sweden, and neighbours the residential settlement Bellavista, which was also designed by Arne Jacobsen.
In the background, shirt from JAN MACHENHAUER – bra WORON – throw, design Karin Carlander for SILKEBORG ULDSPINDERI – hat ANDERSEN & BERNER – ring LINA CHRISTENSEN
Below: Shirt from SKALL STUDIO – hat, design Henrik Vibskov, production ANDERSEN & BERNER
Makeup Lulu Hoa Bokkenheuser
Model Maj-Britt Mathiesen
Location Bellevue Teatret
Maj-Britt Mathiesen is a freelance actress and producer.
She has an MA from the University of Copenhagen and trained as actress in schools in
Russia, Denmark and the United States.
Maj-Britt’s most recent film role is in film director Christoffer Boe’s upcoming film A Taste of Hunger.
She also appears in the DR TV series ‘Når Støvet falder’ (When the Dust Falls) and ‘Grænseland’ (Borderland), which air this spring.
Bellevue Teatret er tegnet i 1936 af Arne Jacobsen (1902-71) – arkitekt, designer og nøglefigur i dansk arkitektur og designs guldalder i midten af det 20. århundrede.
Arne Jacobsen er internationalt kendt for sine ikoniske møbelklassikere som Ægget og Svanen og en række bygninger som Danmarks Nationalbank, Århus Rådhus og SAS Royal Hotel.
Bellevue Teatret ligger på Strandvejen i Klampenborg. Teatret har udsigt til Øresund og er nabo til boligbebyggelsen Bellavista, som ligeledes er tegnet af Arne Jacobsen
Sweater fra ANDERSEN-ANDERSEN – hat tegnet af Southland produceret af ANDERSEN & BERNER
Herunder: Kørehandsker fra RHANDERS hat fra ANDERSEN & BERNER – ruskindsfrakke fra HANNE HARNOV
Makeup Lulu Hoa Bokkenheuser
Model Maj-Britt Mathiesen
Location Bellevue Teatret
Maj-Britt Mathiesen er free lance skuespiller og producent.
Hun er cand. phil fra Kbh. Universitet og uddannet skuespiller fra skoler i Rusland, Danmark og USA.
Senest har Maj-Britt været på optagelser med instruktør Christoffer Boe til hans kommende film ‘Smagen af SULT’.
Hun medvirker over foråret i DRserierne ‘Når Støvet falder’ og ‘Grænseland’.