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May 2022

Can I see your new garden, and can you tell me why you are becoming a beekeeper, I asked Jakob Hundborg, the founder of the PR and communications agency Replique, last summer.

I had heard that Jakob and his partner, who is a real estate agent, had not only taken on a rather ambitious house and garden project but had also acquired a beehive and a bee colony.

With that question, I secured an invite for coffee and homebaked goods in the pergola at the bottom of the back garden that is slowly but surely taking shape.

What we talked about, you can read in HÅNDVÆRK bookazine no. 4, the plant-based issue.

Here below I´ll just offer you some bee-facts


Honey bees have clear transparent wings and orange-brown and black stripes on the hind part of their body.

The bees can be divided into worker bees, males (called drones) and queens. Worker bees are the smallest, the drones are a little bigger, and the queen bees, which are the biggest, can be up to 2 centimetres long.

Honey bees live in large groups. Each colony has only one queen to several hundred drones and thousands of workers.

A queen can lay up to 200,000 eggs a year.

The transformation from egg to larva to cocoon to adult bee lasts from 16 to 24 days.

Worker bees have an adult lifespan of four to five weeks. A queen can live for four to five years.


Må jeg se jeres nye have, og vil du fortælle mig, hvorfor du skal til at holde bier, forhørte jeg mig i slutningen af forgangne sommer hos Jakob Hundborg, som står bag PR- & kommunikationsbureauet Replique.

Det var kommet mig for øre, at Jakob og hans sambo, som er ejendomsmægler, ikke bare havde kastet sig over et ret ambitiøst hus- og haveprojekt, men også havde indkøbt bistade og bier.

Så ledes fik jeg inviteret mig selv på kaffe og hjemmebag i pergolaen bagerst i den gårdhave, som langsomt, men sikkert var ved at tage form tager form.

Hvad vi talte om, kan du læse i HÅNDVÆRK bookazine no. 4, det plantebaserede nummer.


Honningbier har glasklare vinger og orangebrune og sorte striber på bagkroppen.

Bierne kan deles op i arbejdsbier, hanner, som kaldes droner, og dronninger.

Arbejdsbierne er de mindste, dronerne er lidt større, og dronningebierne, som er de største, kan blive op til 2 centimeter lange.

Bierne lever i store flokke. Der er kun én dronning til nogle hundrede droner og mange tusind arbejdere.

En dronning kan lægge op til 200.000 æg pr. år.

Forvandlingen fra æg til larve, puppe og voksen bi varer mellem 16 og 24 dage.

Arbejdsbierne lever 4-5 uger som voksne.

En dronning kan blive 4-5 år.

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